CXIII. Oracle Functions [deprecated]



This extension is deprecated. Instead, use the improved oci8 extension. Functions documented here do list recommended oci8 alternatives.

This extension adds support for Oracle database server access.

Note: This extension has been moved to the PECL repository and is no longer bundled with PHP as of PHP 5.1.0.


You have to compile PHP with the option --with-oracle[=DIR], where DIR defaults to your environment variable ORACLE_HOME.

Resource Types

This extension defines two resource types: an Oracle connection identifier and an Oracle cursor index.

Predefined Constants

The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.

ORA_BIND_INOUT (integer)

ORA_BIND_IN (integer)

ORA_BIND_OUT (integer)



Table of Contents
ora_bind -- Binds a PHP variable to an Oracle parameter
ora_close -- Closes an Oracle cursor
ora_columnname -- Gets the name of an Oracle result column
ora_columnsize -- Returns the size of an Oracle result column
ora_columntype -- Gets the type of an Oracle result column
ora_commit -- Commit an Oracle transaction
ora_commitoff -- Disable automatic commit
ora_commiton -- Enable automatic commit
ora_do -- Parse, Exec, Fetch
ora_error -- Gets an Oracle error message
ora_errorcode -- Gets an Oracle error code
ora_exec -- Execute a parsed statement on an Oracle cursor
ora_fetch_into -- Fetch a row into the specified result array
ora_fetch -- Fetch a row of data from a cursor
ora_getcolumn -- Get data from a fetched column
ora_logoff -- Close an Oracle connection
ora_logon -- Open an Oracle connection
ora_numcols -- Returns the number of columns
ora_numrows -- Returns the number of rows
ora_open -- Opens an Oracle cursor
ora_parse -- Parse an SQL statement with Oracle
ora_plogon -- Open a persistent Oracle connection
ora_rollback -- Rolls back a transaction